Beautifly [PL - 21/127]

Condition: Near Mint
Language: English
Printing: Reverse Holofoil
Sale price$2.50
In stock


  • Card Number: 21/127
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Card Type: Grass
  • HP: 120
  • Stage: Stage 2
  • Attack 1: [G] Colorful Powder (20+)
    If Beautifly has 2 or less Energy attached to it, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. If Beautifly has 3 Energy attached to it, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Poisoned. If Beautifly has 4 or more Energy attached to it, this attack does 20 damage plus 40 more damage and the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep, Burned, and Poisoned.
  • Attack 2: [G] Silver Scale (30)
    If the Defending Pokémon has any Resistance, this attack's base damage is 60 instead of 30
  • Weakness: L+30
  • Resistance: F-20

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